Our entrecode research found that entrepreneurs use personal mantras to enable them to think and behave in a successful manner. The Mantras are a kind of self-talk that keeps them grounded and focused.
In the 12 ways to Christmas I will share some of the mantras we uncovered to help you. For example, ‘now’s good’ is a mantra that urges entrepreneurs to take action and not procrastinate. Being action oriented is key to entrepreneurial success, so reminding yourself that ‘now’s good’ helps you get traction and momentum into your business.
Watch this space for more entrepreneurial mantras.
Our entrecode© research discovered that entrepreneurs think and behave in unique ways that enable them to succeed. Here is the entrepreneurial mindset that creates success:
1. Getting into the Zone
Entrepreneurs have a strong achievement drive which usually comes from difficult early life experiences i.e. failing at school. They are determined to prove they are not failures – “I am OK.” They develop a compelling vision which is a picture of what success will look like which they find inspiring and helps them stay focused – “keep your eyes on the prize.” Finally, in this section they are action oriented, preferring action to procrastination - “just do it.”
2. Seeing Possibilities
Entrepreneurs are strategic thinkers in that they can see the market and competitive landscape. They trust their intuition in creating possibilities and are options thinkers so they can usually find a way forward, they rarely get stuck – “plan A failed, so plan B or plan C.”
3. Creating Superior Opportunities
Superior opportunities are those which enjoy defendable competitive advantage, have high sustainable margins and attract investors and media interest. These are created by finding customer problems, solving them and then selling the solution to everybody else. This is the core of successful entrepreneurial activity – “solve a problem and create a friend for life.”
4. Stay in the Zone
Entrepreneurs work hard at not being busy fools. They stay focused on the key priorities, maintain a positive attitude when things go wrong and avoid distractions. They are good at recovering from setbacks – “persistence is the key.”
5. Opening up to the World
Entrepreneurs engage in purposeful networking with people who can help them build their business. They seek to create alliances and partnerships in order to grow – “networking not notworking.”
6. Building Capability
Entrepreneurs learn by doing and build teams who can support them. They invest in processes and systems that enable the business to function in a consistent manner – “complimentary values, different skills.”
Success as an entrepreneur has little to do with business planning, budgets, meetings, job descriptions or policies. It’s about how you think and behave. So develop the entrecode© mindset and get going, better still, read entrecode© – Unlocking the Entrepreneurial DNA and fly!
Networking has been shown in many studies to be highly correlated with successful business growth.
Entrepreneurs network in a very cost effective and productive way. Here is how you do it:
Signposter networking has been shown to be 50 times more effective than attending functions and handing out business cards to all and sundry. So have a go yourself and see what results you can produce.
Job one is to get a strategy for growth. This is not a financial forecast or budget, it is the DNA of the business. You need to address the key strategic questions:
Addressing these critical questions sets the business up for growing successfully. In order to grow you need to let go of the parts of your job others could do in order to focus on the strategic priorities. Some entrepreneurs find this difficult, they want to be ‘Jack of all trades’. Don’t make this mistake!
In order to feel confident in letting go you need to invest in talented people. The rule is complimentary values to you, different skills. Hire people who are good at what you are not. Obvious, but entrepreneurs often make the mistake of hiring in their own image, people like me, and that limits your growth potential.
Entrepreneurs create new growth opportunities by either selling more of what they have to existing customers (penetration) or developing new markets or products. They use the process of finding customer problems, solving them and then selling the solution, the new product, to everybody else.
Finally, entrepreneurs invest time and resource in working ON the business as well as IN the business in order to improve its efficiency, service levels, productivity or general performance. They marshall the resources and build their capacity to grow.
Follow these entrepreneurial principles and fly!
My latest book entrecode: Unlocking the entrepreneurial DNA provides the tools and lessons to enable everybody to become an entrepreneur. Here is how to do it.
So there it is, your recipe for entrepreneurial success.
We discovered in our Entrecode research that entrepreneurs innovate in order to create new solutions to customers’ problems. Here is how they do it, you can do the same:
None on this is rocket science but entrepreneurs do it while the rest look on and wonder……
A key insight in my book, entrecode© – Unlocking the Entrepreneurial DNA, was that entrepreneurs work ON as well as IN their businesses in order to boost their performance. In order to do that I developed a toolkit based on how successful entrepreneurs actually work ON their business.
If you would like a free copy of the new toolkit ‘Working ON your business’ then please e-mail me david@davidhalluk.com
The idea behind the entrecode book was to let successful entrepreneurs tell their businesses like stories in order to provide insights into how they really do create great businesses. We also know that their stories inspire others to follow in their footsteps.
Veena Patil grew her business from having no shoes, electricity or running water in her village into an award winning international travel group.
Paul Cave overcome unbelievable obstacles to create the most successful tourist attraction in Australia – The Sydney Harbour BridgeClimb.
These are just two examples of the amazing people you will meet in the book.
The other idea behind the book was to discover entrepreneurs from around the world to see if the entrepreneurial principles are universal and we discovered that they are. That is how we knew we had unlocked the entrepreneurial DNA.